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Support for IPV6 web adresses

Is there any possibility to get the hosted page running on IPV6? I found nothing in the documentation?

Nested sections

Is it possible for sections to contain other sections? For example, I'd like to have a page with a sections_dropzone. Then I want to create a Container section to control layout/background properties. Then I want to create a Title section to drop into the container. Then I want to create a Media section to drop into the container. After some experimentation, I'm not sure this is possible OOTB. Thoughts?

How to change Logo

Hiya Is it possible to change the logo on the site? furthermore is it possible to change the ability to stop allowing users to create sites unless administrations?

Section blocks_display: tree and i18n

Hi. First, thanks for the awesome job you do with LocomotiveCMS! I'm building a new website using locomotive. It has the regular navigation header with some nested links. I could figure out how to nest menu items, but I think the docs could be improved in this topic. Anyway, my question is related with internationalisation. When defining a nested menu and deploying, only the first top items are showed in the secondary languages. For instance: If I'm creating this structure: - Features - Testimonials - Hosting - Personal - Freelancer - Agency - Enterprise - Documentation For the default language (EN) it seems right, both in the editor and the preview. But for the secondary language I'm only seeing this structure in the editor: - Features - Testimonials - Hosting - Documentation Because I don't understand the difference between global_content and default section's properties, I've been trying both with similar results. Can anyone help with that? Thanks!

Can I make a subscription-based website in locomotive?

I want to make my own custom subscription-based website in the future, and right now I'm just in the research phase on which method/software to use as I don't want to use woocomerse or teachable. Can I make a subscription-based website in locomotive?

Search among content_type entries

I've already read this question (https://doc.locomotivecms.com/discuss/5f4f4c6f7b7bb5002a75e8f5) which deals with site-wide search, and this question (https://doc.locomotivecms.com/discuss/574370bc6b0c5c0e00099b4d) which is talking about searching content entries in the Back Office. What I want to do is create a search form to filter content entries on the front end. I'm using the hosted version of Locomotive CMS. From what I can tell there is a site-wide search available but it requires an Angolia account (https://github.com/locomotivecms/search). I have found this GitHub thing (https://github.com/Papipo/locomotivecms-search) but I can't tell if this is something that I can use in the hosted version of Locomotive CMS.

how to set up custom domain for a website on a heroku-hosted locomotive

Hi, I just deployed my locomotive app successfully to heroku (using mongoDB Atlas instead of mLab since it's not available anymore). I was wondering how to set up a custom domain for a specific website and I found some answers [here](https://doc.locomotivecms.com/docs/domains), but unfortunatly it uses a IP redirection to work, and it seems to me that free heroku-hosted app have no static IP addresses. So the proposed solution does not seem to work in that case. Am I wrong ? If so, can you help me ? Thanks, Grégoire

How to use select type for section settings

It is written [here](https://doc.locomotivecms.com/docs/json-definition#setting-types) that it is possible to set up a select type for a section setting. I'm trying to use it but it is not specified how to define the select options. Given [this code](https://github.com/locomotivecms/engine/blob/c83a72755ab4da55c7749cacf9cdc749f7e7fce9/app/javascript/src/locomotive/editor/inputs/select.js#L16) it seemed that I had to use an `options` array attribute so i set it up like that : ``` - label: Afficher id: display type: select options: - value: 'tout le monde' - value: 'en activité' - value: 'plus en activité' ``` This is almost working : In the UI editor I see a 3 options select list, but the values i set up are not displayed. Can you please telle me how to make it work ? Thanks !

Is it possible to use dragonfly with any command ?

Hi, I'd like to use an imagemagick command converting some of my images to duotone color space. The Imagemagick command that works for that is this one : `magick convert image.png -colorspace gray -level +10% +level-colors '#FF002E','#FFF59B' image_duotone.png` That works fine locally as a command line. I'd like to know how to use it in my code to apply the filter to images on the fly. Is there a tag that allow to pass any command to DragonFly and imageMagick ? I see the "resize" tag but it seems really specific Thanks !