
Ask a Question

Why does it take so long for my page to save? After it does save there is no change to my website.

Can custom libraries be used with the Actions API?

This is mostly a matter of curiosity, but supposing I wanted to include some JS lib to do something server side with some data, could I?

SSL Certificate

What's the process for adding an SSL cert to a custom domain? Or even better having one issued and updated by Locomotive through some kind of ACME provider? I've searched these help articles, but don't see any mention of it.

Editing & Saving issue

Hi, I can make changes but when I click save it takes a while for the save to happen. When I check our site the changes haven't happened. When I go back to Locomotive it looks the same as it did before I mad the changes. So it seems it didn't save and update but I dont know why, any ideas gratefully received? PS I can make changes in other pages and it works OK!

Locomotive support rails 5.x

Dear all, for when the Locomotive Engine on rails 5.x is planned ! best regard

Sign in problem with YML data deploy

Dear All, I'm developing a new site in Locomotive 3.3 with authentication. I am interested in loading some default accounts, so I put them in data YML file, as described in the guide. As a result, the sign in doesn't work properly (Wrong credentials); but, if I update the same password in the back-end in the that model entry, it works perfectly. What could be the problem? Thank you in advance.

Redirected Locomotive CMS Login

I have a link to a file. When the user clicks it, they are redirected to the Locomotive CMS login. What's going on?

Add User

Hi there, Our company have a number of sites hosted with you guys and one of our clients would like to access their site and make changes without us. Please could you advise on how we can create a new user for them to access their site but none of the other sites we have set up on our user profiles with you? Thank you.

Anyone been getting this error (Action Controller: Exception caught - Devise) when logging into the Engine backend?

After installing LocomotiveCMS and setting up the first site in the Engine Backend then logging out. I now get this error when logging into /locomotive: SyntaxError in Locomotive::SessionsController#new /.../.rbenv/versions/2.5.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/devise-3.5.10/app/controllers/devise/sessions_controller.rb:5: syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting keyword_end ...ter only: [:create, :destroy] { request.env["devise.skip_tim... ... ^ /.../.rbenv/versions/2.5.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/devise-3.5.10/app/controllers/devise/sessions_controller.rb:5: syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting keyword_end ..."devise.skip_timeout"] = true } ... ^ Any ideas appreciated.

path_to object empty

{% for product in contents.products %} <a href="{% path_to product %}">{{product.title}}</a> {% endfor %} What can be the reason to have an empty href attribute?