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Searching in v3


Would you recommend to create an ecommerce based on LocomotiveCMS ?

We need to create a E-commerce ? I'd like to know if you would recommend doing it with Locomotive ? Do you have some example sites ?
We come from PHP and Wordpress world.... Is there any woocommerce plugin like ?


Problems installing Engine

I'm having problems installing Engine on my own server, following instructions here:

Search/Filter function on content entries

Hi, the old locomotive hosting admin pages had a function to search for entries. I can't seem to find it in the locomotive works portal. We have about 700 events on the site, and it's borderline unusable without it.


Support assets PDF?

Hi, I can upload assets like pdf ?
or an external host, I have in mind buy the host, but I try in my free acaount but dont load the files pdf

Error: Mongo::Error::NoServerAvailable

Mongo::Error::NoServerAvailable (No primary server is available in cluster: #<Cluster topology=Unknown[localhost:27017] servers=[#]>
with timeout=30, LT=0.015. The following servers have dead monitor threads: #):


Include font-awesome

Has anyone successfully managed to include font-awesome in a wagon project (outside of using the built-in bootstrap theme that includes font-awesome)? I've tried using the official Font Awesome gem (https://github.com/FortAwesome/font-awesome-sass) with no success. Including just font-awesome in my application scss looks for the fonts at the path /fonts/font-awesome/, which gives a 404. Including font-awesome-sprockets as well gives the error Custom asset_path helper is not implemented.

how to add anchor links in menu

My pages include multiple sections that i'd like to reference in the menu as sub-links (anchor links, with #) of the pages links.
Example : I have a "Home" Page with 3 sections with ids "section-1", "section-2" and "section-3".
In the menu I display the main "Home" link and when hovering this link i'd like to display 3 anchor links to go directly to the corresponding sections.


Error : Resource invalid: slug is already taken, entries_custom_fields

Hi there,

How to add custom commands to wysihtml?

I'd like to add custom plugins to the richtext editor so that users can insert some custom liquid tags. In v2 with tinyMCE that was possible, but in V3 this looks different.
Any idea?