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New language added not showing content from English version

Hi. So we added Polish to our site and by default there is no translations or localising of the content in the models, it is just meant to show the English version. But adding the language, it doesn't show any of its content even after using the Wagon back office to re-save it for Polish. There are plans for future languages to be added and deleting, re-adding all of the content in the models isn't a good solution. Currently the only similarities between the pages is that both uses type: select for filtering content. The content type which is one of the two that is having problems. - tutorial_type: label: Type type: select select_options: ['Video', 'Written'] {% with_scope tutorial_type: 'Written', order_by: 'data_added.desc' %} This is the code that is used to choose which content is shown and is ordered. Is there a setting that might have been missed in the Wagon or something that can be set in the code?

Unable to find site

Hello, Using wagon 2.0.1 when running wagon serve -p 3000 and connecting to the site the following error is displayed: unable to find site, url asked: http://publicserver:3000/ Any ideas Cheers

Is it possible to use dragonfly with any command ?

Hi, I'd like to use an imagemagick command converting some of my images to duotone color space. The Imagemagick command that works for that is this one : `magick convert image.png -colorspace gray -level +10% +level-colors '#FF002E','#FFF59B' image_duotone.png` That works fine locally as a command line. I'd like to know how to use it in my code to apply the filter to images on the fly. Is there a tag that allow to pass any command to DragonFly and imageMagick ? I see the "resize" tag but it seems really specific Thanks !

Is fixed: true working for editable elements?

It worked for us in v2, but in a project now in v3, we can't get fixed:true to work on editable elements such as editable_text or editable_file. ### The setup In our `index.liquid` file, we have something like this: ```liquid {% block 'site_settings' %} {% block 'map' %} {% capture map_text %}{% editable_text 'map', format: raw, fixed: true %}..{% endeditable_text %}{% endcapture %} {% endblock %} {% block 'slider' %} {% capture slider_text %}{% editable_text 'slider_text', format: raw, rows: 3, fixed: true %}...{% endeditable_text %}{% endcapture %} {% capture slider_image_1 %}{% editable_file 'slider_bild_1', fixed: true %}slider/home-4.png{% endeditable_file %}{% endcapture %} {% endblock %} {% endblock %} ``` We're not using site_metafields because we haven't gotten them to work yet. Even though we're using fixed: true, those editable elements appear on the editor for all pages that inherit from the index. Any ideas on how to get the correct behavior working?

Changing IP/URL and Port on A Newly Installed Locomotive Site

Hello, I am completely new to Ruby and RoR, and ofcourse LocomotiveCMS. Fortunately, I have managed to follow the instruction at [https://locomotive-v3.readme.io/docs/getting-started-with-locomotive](https://locomotive-v3.readme.io/docs/getting-started-with-locomotive) until `bundle exec rails server`, eventhough I have to install `node.js` and `puma` before that, which are the missing requirements from the docs. I did it directly on my VPS. So my question are: 1. how to change the IP/URL (and the port) so that I can change localhost with my IP/URL? 2. What to do after `bundle exec rails server` and register to my site as user? I am not sure what to do to follow section `Pushing a site template with Wagon` at [https://locomotive-v3.readme.io/docs/getting-started-with-locomotive](https://locomotive-v3.readme.io/docs/getting-started-with-locomotive). Thanks!

why can't see my files in mi preview?

Resource invalid: source You are not allowed to upload "pdf" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, css, js, swf, flv, eot, svg, svgz, ttf, woff, woff2, otf, ico, htc, map, html, cur can't be blank https://station.locomotive.works/_app/cmobirs/preview I can't see the format css, js,etc and my photos dont see. pd. what is the file name for use coffescript ej(myexample.js) Sorry I'm new

How to migrate from locomotivehosting.com

I have a site with billing set annually in locomotivehosting.com, how to migrate that site to the new station.locomotive.works???

Images not loading on engine after deploy

After pushing to our site (on locomotive.works) with the data option, suddenly images which have appeared correctly, are not appearing correctly anymore. The changes pushed only affected content types, not the pages showing the faulty behavior. In contrast to working image links, the links of the missing images don't contain any file endings (.png, .jpg or similar), have this weird ´´_old_´´ param on the path and include some query strings: ´´´ .../sites/5720d0ca1a3dcd1/pages/5720d807a2f4220ca1a3dcd3/files/_old_?1463132645&editable-path=main--landingpage_coins--coin_left_image ´´´ The images are captured as follows: ´´´ {% capture coin_topright_url %}{% editable_file "coin_topright_image", hint: "Upload a coin image for the top right coin." %}{% endeditable_file %}{% endcapture %} ´´´ Any idea about what causes this issue and how to fix this?