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Nested sections

Is it possible for sections to contain other sections? For example, I'd like to have a page with a sections_dropzone. Then I want to create a Container section to control layout/background properties. Then I want to create a Title section to drop into the container. Then I want to create a Media section to drop into the container. After some experimentation, I'm not sure this is possible OOTB. Thoughts?

Filter Tag with with_scope doesne't work

Hi, i got a problem while trying to filter my blog entries through with_scope. In wagon my filter system it worked quiet well. But when i deploy it to my locomotive site it won't filter these entries anymore. Here is my Code: {% assign currenttag = params['tag'] %} {% with_scope tags: currenttag %} {% paginate contents.blog by 5 %} {% for post in paginate.collection %} <div class="blog-material"> <img class="blog-image" src="{{ post.image.url }}"> <div class="blog-body clearfix"> <h5><a href="{{ post._slug }}">{{ post.title }}</a></h5> <p>{{ post.text | truncatewords: 50 }}</p> <a href="{{ post._slug }}" class="button float-right">Weiterlesen</a> </div> </div> {% endfor %} <div class="row content-top-min content-bottom-min"> <div class="large-12 columns text-center"> {% if paginate.previous_page %} <a href="?tag={{currenttag}}&page={{paginate.previous_page}}" class="button arrow"> <i class="material-icons">arrow_back</i> </a> {% endif %} {% if paginate.next %} <a href="?tag={{currenttag}}&page={{ paginate.next_page }}" class="button arrow"> <i class="material-icons">arrow_forward</i> </a> {% endif %} </div> </div> {% endpaginate %} {% endwith_scope %}

How do I backup and restore my site along with all content?

I'm wondering how do I backup my site and content as I'm guessing the edits are in Mongo? I've tried using the backup command with wagon 2.2.0 but I always get this error: Locomotive::Coal::UnauthorizedError Does this backup (if it works) give me a full backup with all site content? If so how to I restore the backup?

How to integrate with my existing rails app?

I would want to know how to integrate locomotiveCMS with and existing Rails app. How can I call an existing rails app service wich loads products from db an show in a locomotive page? How can I use my existing models in a locomotive install? Sorry, but I can't find such information in the docs. Thanks in advance!

Singularize string filter

I have a 'Categories' content type populated with pluralized category names ('movies', 'games', 'videos', etc.). Is it possible to singularize a category name in certain places in the Liquid template? Or is it considered better practice to have a separate field in categories.yml for a singular name?

How to get my Website locally?

Hi there, I have done some tests directly on https://station.locomotive.works and when I wanted to get my website locally (to start coding), I have tried this : wagon clone altavia_connect https://station.locomotive.works -h lush-meadow-7195 -e [email protected] -a XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX But it does not work at all. Any suggestion? Thanks by advance, L.

Search among content_type entries

I've already read this question (https://doc.locomotivecms.com/discuss/5f4f4c6f7b7bb5002a75e8f5) which deals with site-wide search, and this question (https://doc.locomotivecms.com/discuss/574370bc6b0c5c0e00099b4d) which is talking about searching content entries in the Back Office. What I want to do is create a search form to filter content entries on the front end. I'm using the hosted version of Locomotive CMS. From what I can tell there is a site-wide search available but it requires an Angolia account (https://github.com/locomotivecms/search). I have found this GitHub thing (https://github.com/Papipo/locomotivecms-search) but I can't tell if this is something that I can use in the hosted version of Locomotive CMS.

Sync problem

My site deploys fine, but when I try to sync back to local it tells me this: Malformed YAML in this file /Users/vinniedauer/Sites/Wagon/ChristChurch/app/views/pages/events.liquid, error: (): did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping at line 2 column 1 File: ? Code No code Then lists a bunch of files with messages. The site is just default, hardly any changes made, just 2 pages generated with only Bootstrap template content. Any thoughts?