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bundle exec wagon serve fail

Hello everybody, I created a local application and when I want to start his return me the following: Your website is served now . Browse No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /home/samba/myApp/log/server.log I do not know why its return me this error. Could someone help me ? Thank you :)

Full list of supported resources in sync command

What is the full list of options for "wagon sync -r" command? "Only pull the resource(s) passed (pages, content_entries, translations) in argument" is not all, there is also site i.e. but is there also an option to sync ContentAssets i.e.? Thanks

Sync problem (Malformed YAML / undefined method 'to_sym')

I have an issue where I can deploy my site and it works perfectly in production, but on syncing the site locally I get the following error: `Malformed YAML in this file /.../Sites/Wagon/.../data/years.yml, error: undefined method 'to_sym' for 2014:Fixnum` The data/years.yml file looks like this: ``` - 2014: _slug: '2014' name: 2014 projects: - residency-works ```

Goolge Webmaster Tools

I am trying to set up google webmaster tools but am finding no luck. Is there a way to use google webmaster tools with locomotive?

is there a way to set up a download zone ?

Hi, I'm trying to set up a download zone in a website, aka a kind of list of files that users can download by clicking on it. I tried to use the `asset_picker` setting type on a section as defined here : https://doc.locomotivecms.com/docs/json-definition#setting-types But I got this message when trying to push it : ```Resource invalid: definition The property '#/blocks/0/settings/0/type' value "asset_picker" did not match one of the following values: text, image_picker, checkbox, select, url, radio, content_type, hint, integer``` How would you achieve that in that case ? Anyway, I think it would be great to update your doc if there is no more `asset_picker` type. Thanks ! Grégoire

Asset version extension

My client has an iframe embedded in their site from a service called mycompass.com that references the stylesheet from the client's main (locomotive.works hosted) site to style the iframe content. We've sent them the link to the staging URL without the version number extension so our edits to the css aren't showing up. Is there a way to make our edits show up? We don't have access to the iframe source and can't update the css URL there to have the correct version number. Thanks!

Section blocks_display: tree and i18n

Hi. First, thanks for the awesome job you do with LocomotiveCMS! I'm building a new website using locomotive. It has the regular navigation header with some nested links. I could figure out how to nest menu items, but I think the docs could be improved in this topic. Anyway, my question is related with internationalisation. When defining a nested menu and deploying, only the first top items are showed in the secondary languages. For instance: If I'm creating this structure: - Features - Testimonials - Hosting - Personal - Freelancer - Agency - Enterprise - Documentation For the default language (EN) it seems right, both in the editor and the preview. But for the secondary language I'm only seeing this structure in the editor: - Features - Testimonials - Hosting - Documentation Because I don't understand the difference between global_content and default section's properties, I've been trying both with similar results. Can anyone help with that? Thanks!

Support for IPV6 web adresses

Is there any possibility to get the hosted page running on IPV6? I found nothing in the documentation?

using gzip compression

I'm looking to use gzip compression on my files, but I can't find any information on if it's supported with wagon/locomotive. I found this by googling the question, but i don't see any conclusion on whether it's been included or how to use it. https://github.com/locomotivecms/engine/issues/886

Pourquoi les éditeurs html (rich text) sont différent pour les content_types et pour les éléments des sections ?

Bonjour, J'ai remarqué que l'éditeur "rich text" n'est pas le même quand il s'agit d'un élément à modifier dans les content_types et dans un élément d'une section. Pour un content_type, la définition ressemble à cela : ``` - description: # The lowercase, underscored name of the field label: Description # Human readable name of the field type: text text_formatting: html # html (uses rich text editor), markdown or text (uses plain text editor) ``` Pour un élément (bloc) d'une section, la définition est légèrement différente : ``` - label: Paragraphe id: paragraph type: text html: true line_break: true ``` Pour autant, le rendu dans l'interface d'admin n'est pas le même : l'éditeur html des content_type inclut notamment les boutons d'alignement du texte et de listes alors que l'autre est vraiment basique et permet uniquement le gras, italique, souligné, barré et l'insertion de liens. Mon client désirant pouvoir centrer ou justifier les textes de ses pages, je me suis vu obligé d'ajouter une checkbox dessous lui permettant de décider de centrer ou justifier son paragraphe. J'aimerais beaucoup éviter ce "monkeypatch", qui m'oblige à ajouter cette checkbox sous chaque élément de type text html dans mes sections.. Est-ce possible ? Merci, Grégoire