'created_at' property returns nothing for content entries
Sync problem
My site deploys fine, but when I try to sync back to local it tells me this:
How to get my Website locally?
Hi there,
I have done some tests directly on https://station.locomotive.works and when I wanted to get my website locally (to start coding),
I have tried this :
wagon clone altavia_connect https://station.locomotive.works -h lush-meadow-7195 -e laurent.altavia@gmail.com -a XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
But it does not work at all.
Any suggestion?
Thanks by advance,
I'm brand-new to Locomotive; it looks like a great alternative to Wordpress. How would I go about implementing an event calendar that would use client-entered "event" models? Any hints/tips/advice are appreciated.
Group the content type fields by tabs in the admin panel
Is it possible to group content type fields by tabs, based on a field property for example? You can often end up with a long list of fields and it would be great to have the possibility to visually group them by tabs.
Published assets empty
My custom css and js are fine when running wagon locally but when I deploy them to development (also local), they are edited and interpreted as MIME type text/html instead of css and js.
Heroku "No Method Error (url_redirections)"
I've gotten the CMS functioning, but it doesn't seem to find the sites in the databsase.