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How to ignore folders when deploying my site

Is there a way I can ignore a folder or file when deploying my site?

problem mapping locomotiveCMS site to a subdirectory

My hosted locomotiveCMS is under domain blog.mydomain.com.
I have mydomain.com/blog maps to blog.mydomain.com for SEO purpose. (via reserve proxy)

How to use coffeescript

Hi how to use coffeescript in locomotivecms

Is fixed: true working for editable elements?

It worked for us in v2, but in a project now in v3, we can't get fixed:true to work on editable elements such as editable_text or editable_file.

Why are stylesheets and javascripts not minified on the engine?

From the v3.1 release notes I take it that the feature still exists, but only works under certain conditions:

Filter Tag with with_scope doesne't work

i got a problem while trying to filter my blog entries through with_scope. In wagon my filter system it worked quiet well. But when i deploy it to my locomotive site it won't filter these entries anymore.

how to fix ->SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<'?

Hi I use coffee script and all run very good in my local host, but when I deploy in my preview send me the next " error SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<' "

Quick Start Issue - Digital Ocean

I've just stumbled across Locomotive and it looks really good so thought I'd give it a go. Starting with the quick start guide it all went well until I got down to number 5. Deploy the site. I've got a droplet setup on Digital Ocean and not sure what to do. I ran the command in shell but got an error back? Do I need to do something else to get it to work with Digital Ocean?

Access secont element in contents array

It is possible to access contents.posts.first and .last. How do I access arbitrary elements? I know I can do .all[i], but this fetches all documents from the database and is thus inefficient. In locomotivecms_steam-1.1.1/lib/locomotive/steam/liquid/drops/content_entry_collection.rb a slice(index, length) function is defined which should do exactly what I want. However it is protected and cannot be accessed over the liquid API. What do?