Sign in problem with YML data deploy
Dear All,
I'm developing a new site in Locomotive 3.3 with authentication. I am interested in loading some default accounts, so I put them in data YML file, as described in the guide. As a result, the sign in doesn't work properly (Wrong credentials); but, if I update the same password in the back-end in the that model entry, it works perfectly.
Redirected Locomotive CMS Login
I have a link to a file. When the user clicks it, they are redirected to the Locomotive CMS login. What's going on?
Add User
Hi there,
Anyone been getting this error (Action Controller: Exception caught - Devise) when logging into the Engine backend?
After installing LocomotiveCMS and setting up the first site in the Engine Backend then logging out. I now get this error when logging into /locomotive:
SyntaxError in Locomotive::SessionsController#new
/.../.rbenv/versions/2.5.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/devise-3.5.10/app/controllers/devise/sessions_controller.rb:5: syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting keyword_end ...ter only: [:create, :destroy] { request.env["devise.skip_tim... ... ^ /.../.rbenv/versions/2.5.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/devise-3.5.10/app/controllers/devise/sessions_controller.rb:5: syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting keyword_end ..."devise.skip_timeout"] = true } ... ^
path_to object empty
{% for product in contents.products %}
{% endfor %}
Domain verification for Facebook
Hi, I believe facebook are making some changes as of 18th Dec. The notification ive had said ive got to register my domain with them. To do this ive had to set up a business manager page and have now got the information that needs to be entered on our website to verify our domain. I dont know where to enter this information so thats one of my questions, where do I go? I can upload a HTML file to the root directory of http://fitin30gym.co.uk or add a TXT record in your DNS configuration, so which one should I use?
Thank you
Would you recommend to create an ecommerce based on LocomotiveCMS ?
We need to create a E-commerce ? I'd like to know if you would recommend doing it with Locomotive ? Do you have some example sites ?
We come from PHP and Wordpress world.... Is there any woocommerce plugin like ?
Order of field type many_to_many
Heroku Timeouts
Why does the app crash after deploying to heroku due to heroku timeout after 30 seconds (H12).
Is it possible to get a a database dump and any uploaded files for a site? I need to switch hosts. Thanks!