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Sign in problem with YML data deploy

Dear All,
I'm developing a new site in Locomotive 3.3 with authentication. I am interested in loading some default accounts, so I put them in data YML file, as described in the guide. As a result, the sign in doesn't work properly (Wrong credentials); but, if I update the same password in the back-end in the that model entry, it works perfectly.


Redirected Locomotive CMS Login

I have a link to a file. When the user clicks it, they are redirected to the Locomotive CMS login. What's going on?


Add User

Hi there,


Anyone been getting this error (Action Controller: Exception caught - Devise) when logging into the Engine backend?

After installing LocomotiveCMS and setting up the first site in the Engine Backend then logging out. I now get this error when logging into /locomotive:
SyntaxError in Locomotive::SessionsController#new
/.../.rbenv/versions/2.5.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/devise-3.5.10/app/controllers/devise/sessions_controller.rb:5: syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting keyword_end ...ter only: [:create, :destroy] { request.env["devise.skip_tim... ... ^ /.../.rbenv/versions/2.5.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/devise-3.5.10/app/controllers/devise/sessions_controller.rb:5: syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting keyword_end ..."devise.skip_timeout"] = true } ... ^

Would you recommend to create an ecommerce based on LocomotiveCMS ?

We need to create a E-commerce ? I'd like to know if you would recommend doing it with Locomotive ? Do you have some example sites ?
We come from PHP and Wordpress world.... Is there any woocommerce plugin like ?

Order of field type many_to_many


Heroku Timeouts

Why does the app crash after deploying to heroku due to heroku timeout after 30 seconds (H12).


Is it possible to get a a database dump and any uploaded files for a site? I need to switch hosts. Thanks!