
Ask a Question

Use member's name when displaying content_type creator?

I'd like to have the content_type creator's name pull straight from the member that created it. Right now, I'm having to create an Author content_type and associate it, but that doesn't seem to be the most efficient way to achieve this.

Changing IP/URL and Port on A Newly Installed Locomotive Site


Excluding models from the dashboard?

The dashboard on Locomotive helpfully lists recent edits to models in the system. Is there a way to choose which models show up there? In my case I have one model which is frequently edited by an automated process, and it's making the dashboard very noisy.

Reset user and password

How to reset the user and password of locomotivecms?


Who use locomotive?

Hello! I really like locomotive and try to push this cms in our company. But my CTO ask who actually uses locomotive. The only one place I found your site - this is several static images with company logos. But i need if possible links to sites developed with CMS, and I could't find them (( Ask for help ))


SSL Cert

We just launched a site using Locomotive Hosting, and we are receiving a ssl mismatch. The server is serving a ssl cert of "locomotive.works" which obviously is not our domain.

page.slug with nav

What's the best way to create a page nav in a layout to show only the child pages of which ever page the layout is applied to?

using gzip compression

I'm looking to use gzip compression on my files, but I can't find any information on if it's supported with wagon/locomotive. I found this by googling the question, but i don't see any conclusion on whether it's been included or how to use it.

Was template editing removed from V3 Engine?

Hi there,

Restoring a 2.54 site into 3.1.1
