Asset version extension
My client has an iframe embedded in their site from a service called mycompass.com that references the stylesheet from the client's main (locomotive.works hosted) site to style the iframe content.
'undefined method `force_encoding'' on wagon clone
I'm getting the following error when trying to clone our site.
Images not loading on engine after deploy
After pushing to our site (on locomotive.works) with the data option, suddenly images which have appeared correctly, are not appearing correctly anymore. The changes pushed only affected content types, not the pages showing the faulty behavior.
Can wagon still not handle pushing required relationships?
I've been running into the "can't be blank" issue for relationships when pushing data to the engine a lot lately. This happens for relationships with required:true.
So am I right in the assumption, that required relationships still haven't been implemented? Or how would I make them work?
Can Use Iframe ?
Hi I put my Iframe to have inside another web my code is the next:
I need pay for a domain?
Hi today I payed for a personal plan by one year, but my questios is if I need to buy for a domain?.
How am I supposed to do custom development as I do with Rails ?
I'm quite new to using Locomotive and so far it is great. But now that I'm considering adding some basic logic to my app like I would do normally with a Rails controller, things start to get confusing.
Error : Resource invalid: slug is already taken, entries_custom_fields
Hi there,
broken link in the engine
Hi I have a trouble in when deploy my site in station.locomotive.works
locally I see my logo great, but in the station looks broken.
Support assets PDF?
Hi, I can upload assets like pdf ?
or an external host, I have in mind buy the host, but I try in my free acaount but dont load the files pdf