How to migrate from locomotivehosting.com
I have a site with billing set annually in locomotivehosting.com, how to migrate that site to the new station.locomotive.works???
rendering in haml
hi, I am triying to render a custom content type called posts in the index page, I choose HAML so I 'm getting this error:
Can't sync many_to_many relations from Wagon data to engine
Next / Previous Content Entries
I'm trying to get the next/previous siblings of a content entry.
Force theme assets to deploy
I'm not sure if these questions are read but my love for the CMS part of LocomotiveCMS is being dulled by the obscurity and obtuseness of the Wagon deploy process.
Singularize string filter
I have a 'Categories' content type populated with pluralized category names ('movies', 'games', 'videos', etc.).
S3 upload problem?
I am getting this "getaddrinfo: Name or service not known". I think that it is something to do with S3 but I can't tell.
Bug Report
I am seeing some of the liquid markup bleeding through in these forum pages ie.
Creating custom functionality
I really like the look of this CMS and what it is trying to do and hope to use it soon.