Please fix "Deploy on Heroku"
I tried installing using the instructions found in https://doc.locomotivecms.com/v4.0/docs/heroku .
Could we add a section in the "Guides" section for engine_overrides ?
I am using an engine_overrides.rb initializer according to old Locomotive CMS docs to allow special theme extensions upload (json, XML etc..).
After a little struggle with the engine_overrides.rb initializer in v3.4.1, I found out that method extension_white_list had been deprecated in favor of extension_whitelist in recent versions of CarrierWave.
Changing the function name in engine_overrides.rb to extension_whitelist did solve the problem.
I would be ok to write updated instructions on how to configure custom extension_whitelist in Locomotive if needed (just point me where).
Hiding untranslated pages
ArgumentError in Locomotive::ContentAssets#index
After deploy => URI::InvalidURIError
this is first deployement of shopinv and deploy template that work in wagon.
How to remove editable_elements in index?
Hello, I am not able to remove the edtable_elements from my home page or remove the home page.
How can I change the destination where back ups are stored?
Why does it take so long for my page to save? After it does save there is no change to my website.
Can custom libraries be used with the Actions API?
This is mostly a matter of curiosity, but supposing I wanted to include some JS lib to do something server side with some data, could I?
SSL Certificate
What's the process for adding an SSL cert to a custom domain? Or even better having one issued and updated by Locomotive through some kind of ACME provider?