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Problem uploading photos

I go to upload a photo (both png and jpg versions) and it never allows me to upload them. Minutes before this problem occurred, I was uploading photos no problem. What might be the issue and how do I fix it?

Section and filters

Does sections support filters? How do can I limit size of characters in text attribute of section?

How do I reach you

Part of my website no longer works. How do I talk to you

Pulling content from published site

I've found that I've been able to push content without a problem, but i've just updated a few images through the control panel. I can see that when I bundle exec wagon sync production, the images are transferred locally. For example, "/samples/_production/content_entries/big_gun.jpg", and data/production/content_entries/background_images.yml is updated.

Can I send only 1 set of content entries (1 table)

I have a set of content entries that I want to use (US States) and I want to push only it to production. Everything I do, I either send all the content entries across all models, or nothing. Is sending only 1 table even possible?

SSL certificate

in my acces points i have define my domains in
I want to activate the SSL for this domain and for both qualimetrie.com and www.qualimetrie.com.
Can you help me ?
Thank you

where to add template for v4

we write site template for locomotivecms v4.0.0.beta2

Could we add a section in the "Guides" section for engine_overrides ?

I am using an engine_overrides.rb initializer according to old Locomotive CMS docs to allow special theme extensions upload (json, XML etc..).
After a little struggle with the engine_overrides.rb initializer in v3.4.1, I found out that method extension_white_list had been deprecated in favor of extension_whitelist in recent versions of CarrierWave.
Changing the function name in engine_overrides.rb to extension_whitelist did solve the problem.
I would be ok to write updated instructions on how to configure custom extension_whitelist in Locomotive if needed (just point me where).