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Contractor reference

Hello - we're looking for a developer to help manage our existing Locomotive setup. Do you have any referrals for someone we can contract with on a hourly basis?

Not syncs content_entries

When I do sync from production it just text Syncing ContentEntries and thats all.

New language added not showing content from English version

Hi. So we added Polish to our site and by default there is no translations or localising of the content in the models, it is just meant to show the English version. But adding the language, it doesn't show any of its content even after using the Wagon back office to re-save it for Polish. There are plans for future languages to be added and deleting, re-adding all of the content in the models isn't a good solution. Currently the only similarities between the pages is that both uses type: select for filtering content. The content type which is one of the two that is having problems. - tutorial_type: label: Type type: select select_options: ['Video', 'Written'] {% with_scope tutorial_type: 'Written', order_by: 'data_added.desc' %} This is the code that is used to choose which content is shown and is ordered. Is there a setting that might have been missed in the Wagon or something that can be set in the code?