Radio button type?
I have a field type which is currently a "select", which works fine. I'd like to display it as a series of radio buttons instead. Is that possible?
How to add custom commands to wysihtml?
I'd like to add custom plugins to the richtext editor so that users can insert some custom liquid tags. In v2 with tinyMCE that was possible, but in V3 this looks different.
Any idea?
Image processing and sizing
Hello, I was experimenting with the demo using the blog template as a solution for a (non-technical) client wanting to post their own blogs. I noticed that when I upload a large image to a blog post it overlaps the edges of the post/page. This is especially apparent when resizing the window for mobile (so setting a width within the image tags doesn't solve the issue). The images don't take into account the size of the page or container they're in at all. Is there something I'm missing or doing wrong?
How to filter by a select field, with a regex?
I've a problem with what a think to be a very common task.
I want to filter content entries by the value selected by the user; and if the user doesn't select any value, I want to show all content entries.
How can we set Canonical URL for every page in locomotive CMS?
We have a requirement to set the canonical link in every page of the site that we have developed using locomotive CMS. I initially thought that we can set a custom value in YAML header of every page and access it in page drop. But that is not possible. So is there is any solution for this please?
301 Redirect
We're running http://www.silvesco.com/ on the new Locomotive CMS.
ui_enabled for many_to_many relationships: can't add new related content type entry
I have ui_enabled active for all relationships on our sites. For has_many relationships, the Add a new one
button is displayed. For many_to_many relationships, it never displays. This makes the whole thing extremely user unfriendly. E.g. if I want to add a new picture to an album, I have to upload it from the images page which is a click fest.
Site metafields throw no_method_error on type: file fields on engine
I have something like this:
Ordering within many_to_many relationship
{% with_scope _slug: "technology" %}
{% assign section = contents.article_sections.first %}
{% endwith_scope%}
{% for subsection in section.subsections %}
%h2 {{ subsection.subsection_name }}
{% for article in subsection.libraryarticles %}
%a.article{:href => '/articles/{{ article._slug }}'}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
How to generate a custom module in the admin site
Hello, I'm trying to add some new functions inside the admin site, showing a new section in the left sidebar. Any help is welcome =D.