Custom rendering

Steam is the rendering component in Locomotive based on the Rack middleware architecture ( It's shipped with both Wagon and Locomotive Engine.

Each Locomotive "functionality" can be represented as a rack middleware piled up in a stack. For instance, detecting the locale from a request is a single rack middleware.

So, enhancing the rendering component is a matter of adding a new middleware at the right position in the stack.

In order to achieve that, you need to create a gem which will have to be installed in both your Wagon site and your Locomotive rails application.


For customers:

If you need to tweak the Locomotive rendering for your site, please contact us (contact at locomotivecms dot com).

The middleware stack in Wagon

Here is the current Steam stack when serving a site with Wagon:

  • Rack::Rewrite
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::Favicon
  • Rack::Static
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::DynamicAssets
  • Dragonfly::Middleware
  • Rack::LiveReload
  • Locomotive::Wagon::Middlewares::ErrorPage
  • Rack::Lint
  • Rack::Session::Moneta
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::DefaultEnv
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::Site
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::Logging
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::UrlRedirection
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::Robots
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::Timezone
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::EntrySubmission
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::Locale
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::LocaleRedirection
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::PrivateAccess
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::Path
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::Page
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::Sitemap
  • Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::TemplatizedPage

1. Initialize your gem

bundle gem mycustomrendering

2. Make custom Liquid drops available in your page

That's one of the enhancements you can make with the gem we're building.

Basically, we need to:

  • create a middleware to reference our drop(s)
  • In the middleware, we will enhance the env[‘steam.liquid_assigns’] of Steam
module Mycustomrendering
  module Liquid
    module Drops
      class Products < ::Liquid::Drop
        def list
            { 'name' => 'iPhone', 'price' => 42.0 }, 
            { 'name' => 'Macbook Pro', 'price' => 42.0 }
require 'mycustomrendering/liquid/drops/products'

module Mycustomrendering
  module Middlewares
    class CustomDrops
      def initialize(app)
           @app = app
       def call(env)
          (env['steam.liquid_assigns'] ||= {}).tap do |assigns|
            assigns['products'] =


3. Register the middleware

require 'mycustomrendering/middlewares/custom_drops'
require 'locomotive/steam'

Locomotive::Steam.configure_extension do |config|
  config.middleware.insert_after Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares::Page, Mycustomrendering::Middlewares::CustomDrops

4. Use it in Wagon and Engine


Please test your code!

An example how to do it here:

In the Gemfile of your Wagon site:


group :misc do
  # Add your extra gems here
  # gem 'susy', require: 'susy'
  # gem 'bourbon', require: 'bourbon'
  # In local
  #gem 'mycustomrendering', path: '<path to your local Gemfile>', require: true
  # When your gem has been released on Rubygems
  gem 'mycustomrendering', require: true

In the Gemfile of your Locomotive Rails app


# Add your extra gems here
# gem 'susy', require: 'susy'
# gem 'bourbon', require: 'bourbon'

# In local
#gem 'mycustomrendering', path: '<path to your local Gemfile>', require: true

# When your gem has been released on Rubygems
gem 'mycustomrendering', require: true


So now, in any of our liquid pages in Wagon, we have access to the products liquid drop.

title: My products
{% extends 'layout/simple' %}

{% block main %}

<h2>Products ({{ products.size }}</h2>

  {% for product in products %}
    <b>{{ }}<b/> {{ product.price | money }}
  {% endfor %}

{% endblock %}