

This functionality is only available in Locomotive 3.3 and Wagon 2.3.

Authentication is a built-in functionality which allows to build private access sections within your Locomotive site.

Here is a quick example. You built a beautiful site for a lawyer company and now they're asking for a protected section where partners could download fancy Excel/PDF files.
You could achieve this with the session liquid tag and a members content type. However, this solution presents some flaws. First the password would be stored in clear in Locomotive which is a security issue. Then you couldn't help your clients to reset their forgotten password by sending instructions by email the way Devise does.

The authentication built-in functionality provides the following features:

  • sign up / sign in / sign out actions
  • email instructions action to reset password (the email is a locomotive page)
  • reset password action
  • encrypted password
  • authentication views in Liquid


Wagon authentication demo site

We built a simple Wagon site which includes all the features listed above. Click here to see the code source.